phone case which effectively block radiation, shown with icons

How our invention works

To manufacture Safe-Case, we use the most efficient materials that do not permit the passage of all types of radiation emitted by the mobile.

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Glasses which are blocking blue light from TV, Laptop and mobile screens

Safe-Glasses that block blue light

If you spend more than 3 hours a day in front of a computer or other screen, then we recommend the most efficient glasses that reflect harmful light back and do not allow it to reach our eyes

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Safest headphones in world, patented innovation for blocking EMF

Air Tube Headsets

In these headphones, the speaker is 20cm away from our ear, so the sound from the speaker to the earpiece travels through an air tube, so there is no electromagnetic field near our brain that can cause serious brain damage.

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Anti blue light filter for all screens TV, Laptop, Tablets and mobile phones

Blue light screen filter

If you don't want to wear glasses that block blue light, but still want to protect yourself from harmful light rays, then the film that is simply added to the screen of your computer, phone or TV is the right solution for you. (Easy installation)

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