Is Cell Phone Radiation Killing Your Sperm?

Since the dawn of cell phones, scientists have been investigating whether cell phone radiation is harmful to humans and possibly carcinogenic. Now, some scientists believe cell phones may be up to something worse: trying to kill our babies. Well, our future babies that is.

A study conducted by the University of Exeter found strong evidence that men with prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation showed lower sperm counts than men who didn’t. They reason that the electromagnetic activity radiated by cell phones can damage sperm, which unlike other cells in the human body, is more susceptible due to its limited ability to protect and repair itself.

Another study observed similar results when they studied more than 100 men over a year and found 47% of the men who kept their phones in their pockets near the family jewels had lower sperm levels than 11% of the general population. Moreover, their research showed men who spoke on the phone for more than an hour a day were twice as likely to have poorer sperm quality than men who spoke on their cell phones for less than an hour per day.

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